Anua PuraSys SBR/ Puraflo Peat Fiber System Clearwater Recovery
Description of Technology
Descriptions for proprietary technologies are from the Massachusetts DEP Approval Letters for the technology.
The PuraSys SBR (System) operates in a fill, aerate, decant discharge sequencing batch reactor (SBR) mode and can be used in new and retrofit situations. It is a biological wastewater treatment by suspended growth which occurs using activated sludge extended aeration process. The System consists of a control panel, pumps, aerators, and installation materials. The PuraSys is installed in the Reactor tank in series after a primary settling tank. The System requires a primary settling tank such as a new or existing septic tank, which is sized according to calculations provided by the Anua spreadsheet. Solids settle in the quiescent primary settling tank. The two tanks provide for a primary settling zone and an aerobic biological zone. In the SBR reactor tank, the PuraSys SBR system runs automatically as a sequencing batch reactor. The SBR unit includes three (3) integrated pumps, which provide filling, aeration/mixing, decant/clear water discharge pumping and sludge pumping. The control panel is equipped with an alarm and is pre-programmed for design flow. The System is fully automatic and has a built in function to identify and adapt to changes in water flows. A special “vacation” mode is designed to keep the bacteria alive during non-occupancy periods of up to five months.
The Puraflo peat biofilter is a secondary Treatment Unit (STU). The Puraflo is an aerobic peatbased treatment system comprised of low-density polyethylene modules, which contain the peat fiber. The peat fiber is a proprietary product which is comprised of undecomposed roots of bog cotton and bog sedges with an approximate density of 22-28 pounds per cubic foot and greater than 95% organic matter content. Each module has a capacity to receive 150 GPD of septic tank effluent. The loading rate is provided by the Anua spread-sheet calculations for secondary treated effluent. Effluent is pumped unto and evenly distributed over the surface of the Puraflo peat biofilter. The Puraflo peat modules are factory installed with 2 feet of peat fiber through which wastewater effluent percolates and is filtered. Effluent from pretreatment is pumped to the peat module(s) and sprayed over the surface of the peat using a time dosed pumping system. After percolating through the peat, the treated effluent is allowed to drain to a gravel bed for final disposal.
Anua PuraSys SBR/Puraflo System Effluent Disposal – The combination PuraSys SBR/Puraflo Peat Fiber Biofilter System is a complete alternative wastewater treatment/disposal system for use when soil or site conditions make conventional soil absorption systems more costly or infeasible to construct. Effluent from the PuraSys SBR secondary treatment system is periodically pumped at set intervals to the Puraflo system. After percolating through the peat, the treated and polished effluent flows to a gravel bed. The Puraflo modules are set on a gravel pad as specified in the calculations provided by the Anua spreadsheet. Geotextile fabric is set on the gravel pad around the Puraflo modules to prevent siltation. The gravelbed is installed on basal sand (ASTM C-33 specifications) bed, which is sized using the Anua spreadsheet calculations. The C-33 sand bed rests on in-situ permeable soils into which the final polished effluent is discharged for disposal. Preparation of the in-situ permeable soil basal area is accomplished by removing sod and vegetation and plowing insitu A/B soil horizon 4 to 6 inches deep. The sand layer and in-situ soils interface must be carefully blended according to Anua Puraflo requirements (similar to the installation requirement for Bottomless Sand Filter or BSF as approved by MassDEP). C-33 sand is installed on the basal area to required elevation and sloped or graded to the edge of basal area.
Massachusetts Technology Approvals
Approval Type | General | Remedial | Provisional | Pilot |
Secondary Treatment | ||||
Nitrogen Removal Credit | ||||
Phosphorus Removal Credit |
Please check the Title 5 Innovative/Alternative Technology Approval Letters webpage at Massachusetts DEP for the most up-to-date information.
175 Spring Street
Rockland, MA 02370 United States
P: 781-878-3849