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Bioclere Aquapoint.3, LLC

Description of Technology

Descriptions for proprietary technologies are from the Massachusetts DEP Approval Letters for the technology.

Bioclere 16, 22, 24, and 30 Series Units

The Aquapoint Bioclere System is a fixed film reactor Secondary Treatment Unit (STU) that consists of a fiberglass tank containing a trickling filter section with inert plastic media, a clarifier and sump, a fan for aeration, and dosing and recirculating pumps. Effluent from the septic tank is sprayed over the plastic media and then enters the clarifier that separates solids from the liquid. The base of the unit serves as a final settling basin which discharges to a traditional soil absorption system.

Bioclere (nitrogen reduction < 2000 GPD)

The System is installed in series between a standard Title 5 system septic tank and soil absorption system (SAS).

The System is a fixed film reactor consisting of a fiberglass tank containing a trickling filter section with inert plastic media, a clarifier and sump, a fan for aeration, and dosing and recirculating pumps. Effluent from the septic tank is sprayed over the plastic media, which then enters the clarifier providing settling, separating the solids from liquid. The liquid effluent is then discharged to the soil absorption system (SAS) for final disposal. The System includes a recycle pump which returns settled solids to the septic tank. Excess solids are pumped when necessary. The septic tank and or equalization tank shall be designed for a minimum of 36 hours detention at design flow. The tank shall conform with all other requirements of Title 5 and no tank shall be less than 1,500 gallons.

Model selection and System design requires consideration of wastewater strength. Accordingly, the Company may require chemical feed equipment to provide for carbon to reduce the residual nitrate nitrogen and appropriate chemicals to adjust pH, alkalinity and stimulate phosphorus precipitation.

Massachusetts Technology Approvals

Approval Type General Remedial Provisional Pilot
Secondary Treatment
Nitrogen Removal Credit
Phosphorus Removal Credit

Please check the Title 5 Innovative/Alternative Technology Approval Letters webpage at Massachusetts DEP for the most up-to-date information.


Aquapoint.3, LLC
39 Tarkiln Place
New Bedford, Massachusetts 02745 United States
P: 508-985-9050, ext. 2

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