Clean Solution Treatment System Wastewater Alternatives, Inc.
Description of Technology
Descriptions for proprietary technologies are from the Massachusetts DEP Approval Letters for the technology.
The System is a Secondary Treatment Unit (STU). The System is a submerged media attached growth biological treatment unit designed to treat sanitary wastewater. The effluent from a Title 5 septic tank or from the System’s integral septic chamber, flows into the BioCon chamber or tank. The BioCon chamber contains plastic media providing the surface contact area for bacterial growth and wastewater treatment. The wastewater is continuously recirculated over the plastic media. A compressor provides the air for continuous mixing of the contents in the BioCon unit and to provide aerobic treatment. Effluent from the BioCon unit flows by gravity into the Settling chamber or tank, and then to a pump tank if applicable. Settled sludge and the treated effluent is then pumped to the soil absorption field (SAS) for final disposal. Sludge settled in the System requires periodic removal.
Massachusetts Technology Approvals
Approval Type | General | Remedial | Provisional | Pilot |
Secondary Treatment | ||||
Nitrogen Removal Credit | ||||
Phosphorus Removal Credit |
Please check the Title 5 Innovative/Alternative Technology Approval Letters webpage at Massachusetts DEP for the most up-to-date information.
2 Whitney Road, Suite 10
Concord, New Hampshire 03301 United States
P: 866-900-2415