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Clear Rex Bubbler PekaSys Inc.

Description of Technology

Descriptions for proprietary technologies are from the Massachusetts DEP Approval Letters for the technology.

The Clear Rex Bubble (System) operates in a fill and draw sequencing batch reactor (SBR) mode and can be used in new and retrofit situations. Secondary biological treatment of the wastewater by suspended growth occurs using the activated sludge extended aeration process. The System consists of a control panel, pumps, aerators, and installation materials.

The Clear Rex Bubble (System) operates in a fill and draw sequencing batch reactor (SBR) mode and can be used in new and retrofit situations. Secondary biological treatment of the wastewater by suspended growth occurs using the activated sludge extended aeration process. The System consists of a control panel, pumps, aerators, and installation materials.

The System is installed in series between a septic tank and a soil absorption system (SAS) constructed in accordance with 310 CMR 15.100 – 15.279, subject to the provisions of this Approval. The System requires a Pretreatment tank such as a new or existing septic tank in conformance with 310 CMR 15.223 through 15.226, and a Reactor tank. The System is installed in the Reactor tank. The two tanks provide for a primary settling zone and an aerobic biological zone. Solids settle in the quiescent pretreatment tank. The reactor tank contains the Clear Rex Bubbler unit running automatically as an SBR. The floating Clear Rex Bubbler unit includes 3 integrated pumps for; aeration/mixing, filling/sludge pumping and clear water pumping. The control panel is equipped with an alarm and is pre-programmed for design flow. The System is fully automatic, operates off a 120-volt power supply and requires a 3-foot minimum tank depth. The system can be equipped with an optional communicator to transmit alarms and information over the internet or phone line, and has a built in function to identify and adapt to changes in water flows. A special “vacation” mode is designed to keep the bacteria alive during non-occupancy periods of up to 5 months.

Massachusetts Technology Approvals

Approval Type General Remedial Provisional Pilot
Secondary Treatment
Nitrogen Removal Credit
Phosphorus Removal Credit

Please check the Title 5 Innovative/Alternative Technology Approval Letters webpage at Massachusetts DEP for the most up-to-date information.


PekaSys Inc.
486 Lewisberry Road
New Cumberland, Pennsylvania 17070 United States

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