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Enviro-Septic Wastewater Treatment System Presby Environmental, Inc.

Description of Technology

Descriptions for proprietary technologies are from the Massachusetts DEP Approval Letters for the technology.

The System is an alternative subsurface Soil Absorption System (SAS) that replaces a conventional SAS designed in accordance with 310 CMR 15.000. The System consists of an 11 5/8-inch diameter corrugated, high-density plastic pipe with a 9.5-inch interior diameter and a standard length per unit of 10 feet. The pipe is perforated with eight holes equally distributed around its inner circumference at each corrugation. Each hole has a plastic skimmer extending inwards. The exterior of the pipe has ridges on the peak of each corrugation and is wrapped with two layers of fabric material. The inner layer is a thick layer of coarse, randomly oriented polypropylene fibers. The outer fabric layer is a thinner non-woven geo-textile polypropylene. The System includes required connectors designed to connect pipe units together. The System also includes six inches of sand, specified as concrete sand meeting ASTM C-33 (also called ‘System sand’), surrounding the pipe on all sides.

Massachusetts Alternative Soil Absorbtion System Approvals

General - Disposal Only General - Treatment and Disposal Remedial - Disposal Only Remedial - Treatment and Disposal

Please check the Title 5 Innovative/Alternative Technology Approval Letters webpage at Massachusetts DEP for the most up-to-date information.


Presby Environmental, Inc.
143 Airport Road
Whitefield, New Hampshire 03598 United States
P: 800-473-5298

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