Phosphorus Removal in Onsite Septic Systems

Three efforts were conducted to summarize the state of the art regarding phosphorus management from onsite septic systems and make recommendations for further research.

Falmouth Eco-Toilet Project

As part of an overall wastewater management strategy, the Town of Falmouth has investigated the efficacy of diversion toilets or “eco-toilets” for the management of nutrient.

CEC Removal in Selected Onsite Systems

A preliminary survey was conducted to determine the efficacy of selected advanced onsite septic systems for the removal of selected pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs).

CEC Removal in Drip Dispersal

A preliminary investigation regarding the removal of selected Contaminants of Emerging Concern (CEC) by shallow soils-based onsite septic system technologies

Virus Removal

The purpose of this study was to determine the efficiency of standard septic systems for the removal of viruses and compare this performance with selected I/A technology.

Leachfield Remediation

This project endeavored to develop and conduct a protocol to test products that purportedly extend the “life” of a soil absorption system and restore lost hydraulic function.