In this episode of One Drop Leads To Another, MASSTC Director Brian Baumgaertel and Kalliope Chute banter about Cape Cod and their personal water stories.
One Drop Leads to Another, part of MASSTC, is a project about water connections – the connections between and across species, people, places and times. Each podcast episode features guests from a variety of backgrounds and professions that have water stories to tell, placing emphasis on how they are all interrelated. The idea is to highlight the concept that one drop of water always leads to another, and that the actions we take today, good and bad, trickle down into the water of tomorrow.
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#OneWater #GroundWaterGuardians #LoveYourLocalWater #WaterQuality #MASSTC #DrinkingWater #WasteWater #Water #BarnstableCounty #CapeCod #WorkingForYou #SoleSourceAquifer #SepticSystems